2025 CCEC Elections

Applications for the Community and Citywide Education Council (CCEC) elections open on January 13. These elections are a powerful way for parents to advocate for their school communities and influence educational policies citywide. CECs are composed of volunteer parents and community leaders who are responsible under state law for supporting their local district schools with the goal of raising student achievement.

Starting in January 2025, parents will be able to apply to run for a seat on any of the 32 Community Education Councils and 4 Citywide Education Councils for which they are eligible. Then, candidates will campaign from late February through April, and finally, voting will take place from late April through May 13.

Stay tuned for further updates as these dates approach. In the meantime, ensure you are signed up for a New York City School Account (NYCSA) which is necessary to run for a seat and vote.

There will be a citywide Virtual CCEC Election Prospective Candidate Webinar on January 13, 2025, at 5:00 PM for all families and parent leaders.

This informative session is perfect for anyone interested in learning about how to apply to run for a seat on one of the Education Councils. Whether they are considering running for a seat on a community education council or a citywide education council (CCEC) or simply want to understand the election process, this webinar will provide essential information, including:
• An overview of the CCEC and its role
• The responsibilities of being a council member
• How to apply and run for election
• Tips for a successful candidacy
The session will also feature a Q&A segment. Interpretation services will be available in:

For Spanish:     Dial -1 347-966-4114    ID: 403 156 999#
For Mandarin:    Dial -1 347-966-4114    ID: 375 252 913#
For Bangla:       Dial -1 347-966-4114   ID: 721 916 957#

Register here! zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RTTlHkE_RYSVb3IZNMSanQ

For more information, please visit: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/get-involved/families/Community-and-citywide-education-councils-cecs/elections-2025-community-and-citywide-education-councils