Academics » Academic Expectations

Academic Expectations

James Madison High School
Academic Expectations

The continued instructional focus for the 24-25 academic year is “What’s Next: Full Creative Freedom Over Your Future, Using Data to Drive Individualized Instruction.”  When supporting academic growth, it is foundational that we, as a community, use assessment data to inform instruction and help each individual in the community learn from their experiences. It is imperative that we are all clear as to what our responsibilities are to support academic success.
Documented Absence - A student returns to class with a note from a guardian explaining that they know the student was absent from class. The note must have a contact phone number for the guardian. A doctor’s note or an email from guidance is valid as well. Students MUST email their teachers and guidance counselors before returning to notify them when possible.
Unexcused Absence - A student’s absence is unexcused when they return to class without a note from a guardian with a phone number or another valid source.
Present - In the context of this document, a Present student did not hand in assigned work.

Student Responsibilities

  • When a student returns from a documented absence:
    1. They show their teacher their absence note.
    2. They discuss with their teacher how and when to make up tests, quizzes, homework, and classwork that they missed while they were out.
      • Work that is submitted in a timely manner will not be penalized.
      • Work that is submitted later than the agreed-upon deadline will carry the penalties of present or unexcused work detailed below.
    3. They cannot expect late work to be accepted after the unit of study has been completed.  Once the unit has been completed, it is at the teacher’s discretion to create alternate assignments and provide access to missing work, or allow the student to complete the missing assignment itself.
  • When a student is present or an absence is unexcused:
    1. Late work will be penalized 5% for each late school day. After 7 school days, the grade cannot be higher than 65%.
    2. Late work does not have to be accepted after the unit of study has been completed.
    3. In-class assignments (entrance/exit tickets, quizzes, worksheets, group work) cannot be made up.